Working principle of medical sterilizer

thermal sterilizationThe method of thermal sterilization is to use high temperature to coagulate or denature the bacterial protein, lose the activity of the enzyme, metabolic disorders, causing bacterial death. The thermal sterilization method includes moist heat sterilization method and dry heat sterilization method. Damp heat can make the cell protein coagulation, deformation; dry heat can make the cell protein oxidation, denaturation, carbonization and electrolyte concentration caused by cell death. Thermal sterilization is convenient, effective and non-toxic, and is the main sterilization method used in hospital disinfection supply center. Pressure steam sterilization is the preferred sterilization method for moisture-resistant and heat-resistant medical devices. Pressure steam sterilization using moist heat sterilization method, at the same temperature, moist heat sterilization effect is better than dry heat, there are the following reasons:

The temperature required for protein coagulation is related to its water content, the greater the water content, the lower the temperature required for coagulation to occur. The bacterial protein during moist heat sterilization can absorb water, so it is easier to solidify than in dry hot air at the same temperature.

In the process of moist heat sterilization, steam releases a large amount of latent heat, which further increases the temperature. At the same temperature, the time required for moist heat sterilization is shorter than that of dry heat.

The penetration of hot and humid gas is stronger than that of hot and dry gas, so the effect of hot and humid gas is better than that of dry heat. High-pressure steam can kill microorganisms, even including bacterial spores, fungal spores and other high-temperature resistant individuals. The temperature of the steam for sterilization increases as the steam pressure increases, and the sterilization time can be greatly shortened by increasing the steam pressure.

  low temperature sterilizationLow temperature sterilization method is the use of chemical sterilization agent to kill pathogenic microorganisms. The required temperature for chemical sterilization is low, which is usually called low-temperature sterilization method or chemical sterilization method. Chemical disinfectants used in low-temperature sterilization can kill all microorganisms and achieve the level of sterilization assurance. Such chemicals with sterilization effect include formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, ethylene oxide, peracetic acid, etc. Chemical sterilization is used for the sterilization of instruments made of materials that cannot withstand high temperature and damp heat. Commonly used low-temperature sterilization methods include hydrogen peroxide plasma low-temperature sterilization, ethylene oxide sterilization, low-temperature formaldehyde steam sterilization, etc.

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Working principle of medical sterilizer

thermal sterilizationThe method of thermal sterilization is to use high temperature to coagulate or denature the bacterial protein, lose the activity of the enzyme, metabolic disorders, causing bacterial death. The thermal sterilization method includes moist heat sterilization method and dry heat sterilization method. Damp heat can make the cell protein coagulation, deformation;

Basic structure of pressure steam sterilizer

The steam generated under a certain pressure has high humidity and strong penetrating power, which can quickly and effectively kill microorganisms. It is one of the main methods of instrument sterilization. It is characterized by reliable, economical, fast and good sterilization effect. The basic structure is as follows:

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